
Each year, we organise several social dances. These dances are a great way to meet lots of new people, and to put into practice what you have learnt during classes!  Please contact our secretary if you need any more information.

Witham and District Caledonian Society is dancing!

We have enjoyed a full programme of dances in gardens this summer.  The weather has been kind to us and we have had fun.  Our Wednesday dance classes restart on the 4th of September when we will ease gently into our programme for the year.  As usual, the first night will give us time to catch up with our friends and dance for fun.  We plan to concentrate on the etiquette of dance in September so remember to smile to each other!  Fiona Richards has agreed to give us some much needed guidance each month and her first visit will be on the 11th of September.   She has proved to be a positive yet kindly force during last year and we look forward to her teaching in the coming year.  Classes will be held in the Labour Hall in Collingwood Road in Witham.

Our Autumn Dance will be held in the British Legion Memorial Hall in Witham in the afternoon of Sunday the 3rd of November.  We will be dancing to recorded music.  Burns Night will be on the 18th of January, also in the British Legion Memorial Hall.  The Spring Dance is set for the afternoon of the 16th of March and the Summer Dance will be in the evening of the 7th of June 2025.