
Each year, we organise several social dances. These dances are a great way to meet lots of new people, and to put into practice what you have learnt during classes!  Please contact our secretary if you need any more information.

Witham and District Caledonian Society is dancing!

Summer 2024 is upon us and we have a full programme of dances in gardens.  Our Wednesday dance classes finished on the 15th of May.  Our cohort of new and keen dancers have been a beacon of light to our Society in the past year.  Fiona Richards has been a positive yet kindly force as she has introduced to a wide range of dances.  We have enjoyed the use of the Hatfield Peverel Village Hall in the past year but we have outgrown the Vic Olly Room and we will be moving to a larger venue in Witham from the 4th of September.  Classes will be held in the Labour Hall in Collingwood Road in Witham.

In the season from September 2023 we enjoyed wonderful success in our events  Both the Autumn and Spring Tea Dances were well attended and Sue Last gave us helpful guidance from the stage and played a key role in delivering suitable music.  Our Burns Night was a lively affair and The Essex Caledonian Ball pleased us all with great atmosphere a solid growth in numbers attending.  Once again we are indebted to South East Essex Society for continuing to take a lead role.

Our Summer Dance was held at the British Legion Memorial Hall in Witham on Saturday the 8th of June 2024 in the evening.   The event was organised by Christine Duke and Eilish Gwyther.  There was a good turnout and after resolving a hiccup with the access to the rear carpark, the dancing went ahead with a swing.